
Jerome Tolentino

Software Engineer, Automation Enthusiast

"Enjoy Programming. Enjoy Food. Enjoy both... just don't dirty your keyboard."

About Me

Experienced with software design, embedded and high-level programming, web development, requirements testing, deployment, DevOps and information technology.


Chaos Industries

Senior Software Engineer

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Flight Software Engineer

• Software architect for a generalized and extensible framework that can span multiple projects.
• Successfully helped the Psyche mission go to the next phase ahead of schedule and complete multiple levels of their testing requirements.
• Optimized critical testing procedures for Europa Clipper by making result-processing event driven.
• Modernized outdated software processes through implementation and improvements of CI, software peer review, and best software engineering practices for Psyche, Europa Clipper and Mars Sample Return missions.

Lockheed Martin

Senior Software Engineer

• Core team member of executing developer environment/operations for critical mission software
• Single handedly setup CI/CD system, software review process and version control management system for the Payload Management Program


Senior Software Engineer

• Deconstructed a monolithic application to be modular and library based which allowed for selective features and dramatically increased reusability.
• Prototyped and demonstrated key functionalities deemed "improbable and impossible" in the first 5 months of being hired.
• Core developer for the automation of a product of families that drastically reduces the hours to set up CI operations for a new product line.
• Received 2 exemplary awards within the first year.
• Received the highest rating in a performance review within the second year.

Northrop Grumman

Software Engineer III

• Helped developed complex auto routing and route assessment software that solved problems 200% more efficiently than any previous implementation.
• Engaged in multiple design, execution, and testing of software that is nearing the FQT/PQT phase.
• Managed developer team that constantly increased velocity by 5% every Sprint.
• Automated embedded board processes saving the project roughly 20 developer hours per week.


California State University Northridge


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Simple Wyze Vacuum

An open source custom component allowing Wyze vacuums to connect directly to Home Assistant


Behavioral Timer

An open source timer made specifically for behavioral analysis.

Google Play

ExpandedLabs Toolbox

Twitch extension game based on the popular IRC duckhunt game! Customizeable for each streamer.



Fly the alien and drive the tractor away from the mold that has infected the land!

Pie Your Friends

Fling pies on your friends' faces.

Google Play

Kings Cup Cast

Kings drinking game straight to your Chromecast!

Google Play

It Is What It Is

Simple app to tell people how it is.

Google Play
